Small Groups
and Sunday School
What is a Small Group?
A Small Group is an intentional gathering. People that join smalls groups share a their spiritual journey together, and plan their meetings with a purpose. Small groups meet regularly at a scheduled time and know when to expect their next meeting.
Hartis Small Group
The Hartis Small group meets every other Tuesday evening at 7:00PM in the Church Choir Room.
Walk Through The Bible
Walk Through the Bible is an in depth class focused on a more thorough examination of scripture and theology. This class is led by Al Sousa in the Education Building.
Forging Faith
Forging Faith is a Young Men's class led by Stephen Robinson in Room 8 of the main Church Building.
Walker Small Group
The Walker Small group meets every other Sunday evening at the Church in the Choir Room.
Senior Ladies
Senior Ladies is led by Sharron Schady in Room 2 of the main Church building. This class is catered to women 55+.
Youth Sunday School
7-12th Grade Youth class led by Cindy Thornburg and Bob Miars in the Main Church Building.
True Believers
True Believers is a Sunday School for adults of all ages, both men and women. This class is led by Eloise Mitchell in the Choir Room.
Pursuing Wisdom
Pursuing Wisdom is led by Rob Ashburn in Room 5 of the Main Church building, catered to new adult believers.
Little Warriors
1-6th Grade class led by Andrea Duncan and Kim Winn in the Education Building.
Need more information?
Please contact our church office at (916)331-2741 or visit the our Cafe to ask what class would work best for you!